A Samurai Face Mask
Made to resemble a Tengu

Age: Edo Period

Medium: Iron, leather, Lacquer, silk

School: Unsigned

Provenance: Giuseppe Piva Italy / Private collection Japan / Private collection UK

Restoration: Replacement deer fur moustache

Item Code: MEN2501


The menpo, or facial armour, was rarely used in actual combat; instead, it served primarily as a decorative element, enhancing the visual impact of a samurai’s armour when displayed. Samurai who could afford such ornate pieces often commissioned custom designs that reflected their taste and status. This particular mask is a prime example of that practice, crafted to resemble a tengu, a mischievous and often malevolent supernatural being from Japanese folklore. Tengu are sometimes thought to be the spirits of individuals who were arrogant or prideful in life. Renowned as skilled swordsmen, they are said to have taught the martial arts to the legendary Minamoto hero, Yoshitsune. They are typically depicted as living in the trees of remote mountain forests.

Status: Available

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